Thursday, September 26, 2013

Tuesday 24 September 2013 Heritage Day

Woke up this morning to a public holiday.. I’ve actually come to appreciate public holidays this year. Instead of going out and enjoying with friends and family. I’ve found that I use these days to catch up on the work that has been piling up.  As you can imagine this year has taken a tall on all of us, with the amount of work that keeps springing up from no where

This day was spent just as any other holiday, catching up on work that has fallen behind. The amount of group work which has crept up during the course of this semester has seen the work load pile up.
Lesson I’d like to share with you regarding time management would be that you should always try remain on top of your work otherwise you will find yourself in my situation spending days which are reserved for family and friends grafting away. This also extends to your business, one should never let order or any sort of work pile up. By continuously keeping up to date with what is happening with your business will enable you to make better decisions on the spot without the need to hold long meetings that will in order to get everyone up to date. This sounds like a simple task, however when you realize that losing two days of work could lead you to play catch up for up to two weeks.

This is due to the fact that time lost will never be regained, and time and money are the opportunity cost of letting work pile up.Simply stated, lost opportunity is the value of reduced productivity or time lost due to ones absence from the job. Anytime an individual is not performing the tasks of their job, the organization incurs the cost of lost opportunity.

So every time you don’t do something now, you forfeit the opportunity to do something else in the future. And that lost opportunity will never be regained again, just as lost time can never be recouped in the future. It’s like an airplane which takes off with a half empty seats. The revenue that could have been gained from those seats is forfeited forever.

I know that this is a tricky concept to get however I hope I have put it simply enough. Economists can take you to school and back on the subject, but the crux of it is that time lost can never be regained no matter which way you look at it. It is with this that I say, BE PROCATIVE AND PUT FIRST THINGS FIRST


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