Each week we attend a workshop hosted for the
entrepreneurship students. They have covered everything from innovation
techniques, to pitching sessions and awesome guest lecturers. We recently received a lecture from Tim Shier, a serial entrepreneur based in Cape Town. He
covered an extensive amount of content for two hours, however the key take out
points were clear, very inspiring and I would like my reflections with you.
- It takes extreme dedication, hard work and sacrifice to be an entrepreneur
- Be willing to be unpopular as the right thing is always almost not right for everybody. Leadership can be lonely and one has to remove oneself slightly.
- Stick to your passions in order to get through the dark times
- Investing in yourself is investing in your career
- Support, perspective and learning are essential in making it as an entrepreneur
- Now is never a good benchmark. Learning by design is the only way to stay ahead of the curve
- There is no way around delegation, but empowering the team and focusing on the little things are equally as important as its your people who really matter
- Know when to get out, because the time will come. The key is to do it right.
Those are rather serious, the most important was definitely have fun on the journey. If you live your life by design, why wouldn't you be having fun all the time anyway?

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