Monday, June 3, 2013

Sharing is caring...

Monday 3rd June

Hey there, so we meet again...

They say time flies when you're having fun, but in my case its been work work work. Well today was a bit of an eventful day. I wrote my Genesis Exam, so our course convener before the exam says "it's a hard exam to fail, because i'm in such a great mood, so just sit back and enjoy writing".. my first thought was please give me some of that energy sir, and while you're at it would you like to write my paper for me, since you're in such a great mood :))

Genesis is a course that focuses on our product, which right now is the Azura. It focuses on all of the aspects that go into product production as well as team dynamics, as we work as a team in all our Genesis work. One of the questions in the exam asked us what advice we would give next years Genesis students in terms if cake sale (our capital making event) and group building activities, while also drawing on examples from our own group. I found myself writing a lot, about how teams should be proactive, think and work SMART, and  engage in group activities outside of school before the tasks,to allow team members to get to know each other and what each team member enjoys, which can assist with allocating roles that members would be comfortable in. 

It was funny, because while i was writing my answers, (not that they are correct or anything) because in doing so i realised what a long way our group has come in becoming entrepreneurs and growing as a team, without even realising it. The metamorphosis can even been seen in the changes from cake sale 1 and cake sale 2 and the development of our product, the Azura. Though development has been a little slow due to exams, it was just very eye opening to see that not only have I grown and learnt a lot in such a short amount of time, but that I have experienced this not only as an individual, but also as part of a group of aspiring entrepreneurs like myself. Though it hasn't been all roses along the way it was just a very nice feeling knowing that we are growing in a way that we are after such a short period of time, able to already be offering advice to future budding entrepreneurs like ourselves. 

Well that was my biggest highlight for that day, that it sometimes takes being given the opportunity to share your knowledge with someone that allows you to see how much you actually know and have learnt. So the key lesson of today for any aspiring entrepreneurs, is don't be scared to share your knowledge with people.

Much love

Tarisai xx


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