Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Thank god its friday - 19 April 2013

Day 5 – Friday

Thank God it’s Friday, this is probably my favourite day of the week. Even though this is a false reality as I know I’ll probably spend most of my day busy with school. It’s still good to bask in the excitement of the day. There comes a point where we all need to accept that time is a rare commodity and needs to be treated with due care.

As I had thought the day proved to be very eventful with a lot of things needing last minute running around, that was mostly personal stuff though. I do have a life outside the Genesis program after all..lol.

With that said today our group decided on the official company name; however what impressed me was the process we used to get to the final name. 3 sessions of different length used for diverging on a number of ideas and converging through the process of elimination to arrive to the final decision. A concept learnt in business in context.

The advantage of this process is that all group members get a chance to contribute in the process and no one feels left behind. All members feel that they have contributed to the name and can thus identify with it. This shows that the group has come a long way since our first couple of weeks when things were still bumpy. This shows me the amount of growth that is taking place in this team. As much as the program has put us all under a lot of pressure, the benefits of the hidden curriculum are starting come become visible.

I feel that growing as an individual is a very important aspect of this course; we have learnt to deal with our differences as individual and finding a way to make it all work has been evidence to this growth.


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