Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Monday 30 September 2013

It’s taken me by surprise how the final few weeks of student life are upon us and with that of course multiple deadlines to meet. I’ve been reflecting on the process we have taken on the journey known as genesis and of with the current situation a big part of that has been the importance of planning in advance or being ahead of the curve.

We are facing the reality of closing our business with minimal sales and a large amount of inventory back into the production line after faults in production. We are not without stock, but have not been focused on closing sales soon enough. We have focused on business-to-customer sales, rather than including business-to-business sales as well. Although the mood may seem grim, I have to be honest and let you know that is not the case. The reason is that this valuable lesson will remain with me forever.

At the beginning of this year, we sat down as a group and discussed why we were here and what we want to achieve this year. It may sound peculiar, but our main intention was not to make a profit. We all, without knowing what the other members wanted, wrote that we were here to learn and have a good experience. We have had our ups and downs, but without a doubt have had a huge amount of learning.

Until next time,



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